Turning Dreams into Degrees – Education Course 1 Caregiver Supporting Materials
Turning Dreams into Degrees
This course will empower caregivers, including STRTP staff and resource families, to discuss the value of higher education with the youth in their care and provide ideas for how they can play an active role in supporting these youth to college. Caregivers will learn the significance of early college exploration, preparation, and key steps that they can take to help youth turn their dreams into degrees.
Handouts and Resources
Foster Youth Educational Planning Guide in English and Spanish – This guide is designed to help students chart their course to the college that is right for their interests and career goals. It also directs students to the support and resources available for foster youth scholars that can help turn their dreams into degrees.
Financial Aid Guide for California Foster Youth in English and Spanish
California Foster Youth Education Laws Fact Sheets in English and Spanish
LA County College Planning Resources | Recursos de Planificacion Universitaria del Condado de LA (Updated April 2024)
Foster Youth Benefits Eligibility Chart | Elegibilidad para Beneficios para Jóvenes de Crianza (Updated April 2024)
Youth Career Guide in English and Spanish
Supportive Adults Guide to Career Planning in English and Spanish
Student Vignettes
These student vignettes highlight common challenges that foster youth experience as they try to prepare for college.
Archived Handouts
These resources were referenced in prior versions of this training. As of January 2023, all information in these handouts is now contained in the Foster Youth Educational Planning Guide.
Activities to Inspire Youth to Pursue Postsecondary Education | Actividades para Inspirar a los Jóvenes a que Sigan una Educación Post-Secundaria
The Big Differences Between High School and College | Grandes Differencias entre la Secundaria y la Universidad
Online College and Career Readiness Tools | Herramientas en Línea de Preparación Universitaria y Profesional
Educational Pathways | Caminos Educativos
Helping Youth Develop Skills to Succeed in High School (and beyond): Tips for Caregivers | Ayudar a los Jóvenes a Desarrollar Habilidades para tener Éxito en la Secundaria (y Después): Consejos para los Cuidadores
Educational Planning Supports and Resources | Apoyos y Recursos de Planificacion Educativa
AUDIENCE: This course is designed for caregivers, including resource families and STRTP staff, who care for youth in 6th – 10th grade.