
Sexual & Reproductive Wellness for Youth in Foster Care: A Curriculum for Resource Family Pre-Approval Training

Last Updated Mar 8, 2021

A Curriculum for Resource Family Pre-Approval Training to Empower Caregivers to Support Foster Youth with their Sexual and Reproductive Wellness

The purpose of this curriculum is to train Resource Families to better support foster youth in their sexual and reproductive wellness. It was developed by John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) and Seneca Family of Agencies as part of JBAY’s work with the Los Angeles Reproductive Health Equity Project. Due to the passage of SB 89, training on sexual and reproductive health of foster youth is required to be part of pre-approval training for Resource Families (RF). This curriculum was developed to help county child welfare agencies, Foster Family Agencies, and community organizations who conduct RF pre-approval training fufill those training mandate.