Expanding Chafee Grant Access Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to assist college campuses to effectively implement and understand the new law. Items in the toolkit include implementation recommendations, bill language, frequently asked questions and templates that can be used to create a student resource referral form, appeals form and student success plan. Each of these templates is also available for download as a Word document below.
Under the provisions of SB 150, California Community Colleges and California State Universities must provide (and University of California campuses are requested to provide) all Chafee grant recipients, upon release of the first payment, with information regarding available support services on campus and the process for completing an educational plan. This template can serve as the basis for designing this document. To use this document, replace all highlighted text with campus-specific information for the relevant types of programs.
SB 150 requires colleges and universities to implement an appeals process for the loss of a Chafee grant due to SAP that is broader than that for other forms of financial aid. This template can be used by institutions to create a form that students can use to appeal the loss of a Chafee grant.
SB 150 requires that after two consecutive semesters or three consecutive quarters of not meeting SAP, students must meet with an appropriate staff member to develop a plan for improving academic progress or update an existing plan in order to continue to receive Chafee funds. This Student Success Plan template is a tool that students and staff can use to collaboratively create a Student Success Plan. This template can be modified to fit the needs of the institution.