Housing & Homelessness

Calling Youth Housing Providers: Get Ready for the September Release of Homekey NOFA

Last Updated Aug 26, 2021

California’s recently passed state budget included $2.75 billion over two years for Homekey, a statewide program that funds the purchase and rehabilitation of housing, including hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings, and other buildings and convert them into interim or permanent, long-term housing. 

For the first time, Homekey includes a youth set-aside, which requires 8 percent of funds ($220 million) be available for projects serving homeless youth, or youth at risk of homelessness.

This webinar, intended for youth homelessness providers, offered an overview of Homekey and its funding levels for 2021-22 and 2022-23, actions providers can take to prepare for the September release of the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) by the California Department of Community Development, and featured two panelists from a 2020 Homekey-funded project in Riverside County.