Economic Security

2025 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Sites

Last Updated Jan 30, 2023

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Sites are certified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to assist low- and moderate-income taxpayers to file their taxes for free.

VITA volunteers have a much higher accuracy rate than paid tax preparers who often make mistakes and frequently miss the new Foster Youth Tax Credit, worth up to $1,154 in 2025.

If a young adult is looking for free, one-on-one assistance with completing their taxes, a VITA site is a good option. This roster includes sites operated by organizations that specifically serve current and former foster youth, as well as general VITA sites. As noted in the roster, some general VITA sites have undergone training on how to claim the FYTC and best practices for working with young adults from foster care. 

JBAY Roster