Housing & Homelessness

AB 12 Primer

Last Updated Jan 1, 2014

Assembly Bill 12, the California Fostering Connections to Success Act passed in 2010, extending foster care from age 18 to age 21. Extended foster care was implemented in a phased-in basis starting in 2012. This publication was developed by John Burton Advocates for Youth in collaboration with the Alliance for Children’s Rights and Children’s Law Center to aid with AB 12 implementation. 

The AB 12 Primer answers 58 questions in the areas of eligibility, placement, benefits, special topics and court process, in addition to eligibility for the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (Kin-GAP) and the Adoptions Assistance Program (AAP), which were also extended to age 21 for certain youth with the passage of AB 12. 

Last updated: 2014

JBAY Cover California Fostering Connections To Success ACT