Housing & Homelessness

2020-21 Statewide Analysis of Supportive Housing for Former Foster Youth in California

Last Updated Nov 11, 2021

County administrators and service providers report a statewide need of supportive housing for 3,428 former foster youth in California. As a state, we are 64% of the way there, with the capacity to serve 2,179 youth through housing programs or housing vouchers as of June 30, 2021.

This report provides the first statewide count of Family Unification Program (FUP) and Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) vouchers for former foster youth, and projected amount of housing being created by the new Transitional Housing Program. This information is provided in addition to JBAY’s annual reporting of numbers of youth served in the THP-Plus program. The report also discuss obstacles to maximizing existing resources, and make recommendations for state government, local jurisdictions and service providers.