Economic Security
VITA For Foster Youth
A Virtual Training on the California Foster Youth Tax Credit & Assisting Foster Youth Clients
In 2022, a new state tax credit was established for young adults currently or formerly in foster care, ages 18-25 called the California Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC). The FYTC is a program of the CalEITC, and first became available to filers in the 2023 tax season. In 2025, the FYTC will provide up to $1,154 to eligible young adults who file their state taxes.
This virtual training for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites instructed trainees on how to claim the FYTC in TaxSlayer and key tips for assisting young adults currently or formerly in foster care.
VITA sites who take this training or view the training materials will be listed on John Burton Advocates for Youth’s VITA roster. To be listed on the roster, please verify you’ve taken the training or reviewed the materials by following this LINK.