JBAY Events

Completing the FAFSA: A How-To for Adult Supporters of Foster Youth

Oct 19, 2021
FROM 10.00AM - 12.00PM
Please join John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) for this “how-to” webinar to assist those working with foster youth to successfully complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The webinar will review the 2022-2023 FAFSA, including detailed instructions on how eligible foster youth can qualify as independent students for the purposes of financial aid.
Presenters will also provide information on key steps to take after the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) is completed, such as applying for the Chafee Grant and creating a WebGrants account, to access maximum financial aid.

The Presenters

Sarah Pauter
Education Program Manager, JBAY
Jessica Petrass
Senior Project Manager, JBAY

Join us for Completing the FAFSA: A How-To for Adult Supporters of Foster Youth

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