Please join John Burton Advocates for Youth for a webinar discussing the recent policy changes and budget expansion of the Housing Navigation & Maintenance Program (HNMP), prompted by the goal of enabling counties to utilize HNMP to serve former foster youth with specialized federal Housing Choice Vouchers.
HNMP is administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to county child welfare agencies to provide housing navigators to assist youth with securing and maintaining housing.
The program previously served youth ages 18 through 21 and the priority population was current foster youth. As of July 1, 2022, the upper age limit was expanded to age 24, and the priority population was expanded to include former foster youth. The annual budget for this program was expanded in the 2022-23 state budget from $5 million to $13.7 million.
JBAY will be joined on the webinar by a representative from HCD to discuss these changes and provide a refresher on the steps counties must take to accept the funding. Attendees will also learn how counties can utilize HNMP to improve the provision of Family Unification Program (FUP) and Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Vouchers.
Simone Tureck Lee, John Burton Advocates for Youth
Andy Lomeli, John Burton Advocates for Youth
Jason Blair, California Department of Housing & Community Development
Join us for a webinar - Housing Navigation Expansion: Improving Housing Voucher Programs for Former Foster Youth
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocating for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practices and conducting research to inform policy solutions.