Policy Victories

In 2024, JBAY successfully advocated for these policy and budget priorities to improve the quality of life for foster and homeless youth in California.

$13.7 Million Preserved to Ensure Former Foster Youth Have Support Accessing Subsidized Housing

The 2024-25 state budget preserved the $13.7 million Housing Navigation & Maintenance Program (HNMP), originally proposed for elimination by in the Governor’s budget. This preservation was championed by Assemblymember Phil Ting and Senators María Elena Durazo and Tom Umberg. County child welfare agencies use HNMP to provide housing navigation and support services to youth transitioning from foster care or who have already exited. This support is key to ensuring youth can access and successfully utilize federal Housing Choice Vouchers which subsidize rent. 

Monthly Payments Increased to Prevent Homelessness Among Foster Youth Living Independently

The 2024-25 state budget establishes a framework to reform California’s foster care rates. In response to the proposed elimination of the Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) Housing Supplement which would have increased the monthly payment for youth in SILPs, a comparable increase was adopted in the forthcoming rate reform effort. Starting July 1, 2027 or upon automation completion, monthly SILP payments for non-minor dependents (foster youth age 18-20) will increase to $2,288, up from $1,258 in 2024-25. This alternative championed by Assemblymember Phil Ting and Senators María Elena Durazo and Tom Umberg will achieve the same goal as the SILP Housing Supplement: to prevent homelessness among current foster youth living independently. 

$78.85 Million to Reduce Homelessness Among Youth

The 2024-25 California state budget includes $1 billion for round 6 of the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program. HHAP provides funding to homeless Continuums of Care, counties, and large cities to support a variety of homelessness interventions. HHAP contains a 10% “youth set-aside” requiring local jurisdictions to invest at least 10% of its funding in addressing homelessness among youth. Once administrative and supplemental funding is subtracted from the total HHAP investment, the 10% youth set-aside will be no less than $78.85 million in 2024-25.

Better outcomes for California youth